It is very natural to have seldom bowel movement issues but changes in the appearance of the bowel and sudden and frequent problems of bowel movements indicate some underlying health conditions that need to be attended to professionally. Changes in the color, frequency, consistency, and control of the bowel indicate the gut health and what's going on inside the digestive system.
If you are wondering what is bowel movement? Bowel movement is the process of passing stool through the digestive tract. Diarrhea, constipation, and bowel incontinence are some of the abnormal and common bowel movement issues.
Common problems of bowel movement
Bowel movement issues arise when you are frequently experiencing changes in the bowel, sometimes bowel movement is difficult or it has liquid inconsistency or Sometimes you are unable to control the bowel movement. In such cases, it may be a signal to seek professional help as it can denote some underlying health conditions.
Irritable bowel syndrome
People with IBS experience symptoms such as gas, bloating, diarrhea, constipation, and abdominal pain. All the symptoms act together in IBS. IBS happens because of an over-sensitive colon, gut, or immune system.
Crohn’s disease
It affects the digestive tract by causing inflammation. Generally, it damages the small intestine and the beginning of the large intestine and colon. Symptoms include diarrhea, consti[patuion, weight loss, fatigue, blood on the stool, and sudden urge to poop.
Ulcerative colitis
Another type of IBD causes infections or inflammations along the lining of the colon and the digestive tract. Symptoms include diarrhea, anemia, fatigue, weight loss, bloody stool, and an uncontrollable urge to poop frequently.
Bowel intestinal objection
This condition happens when something is blocking the intestine. The symptoms are nausea, constipation pain in the abdomen, and vomiting.
Read also: traveling gives poop problem
Celiac disease
The digestive system reacts poorly to gluten foods such as wheat and causes diarrhea, constipation, and pain in the stomach. It affects the immunity system of the body.
Inactive pelvic floor muscle
Lack of contracting and relaxing capacity of the pelvic floor muscle makes it difficult to poop or control the bowel function. There are many causes such as obesity, pregnancy, and age which lead to the weakening of the pelvic floor muscle.
Reason for diarrhea and constipation
Constipation and diarrhea are two of the most common bowel movement issues that make the passage of stool difficult. Constipation makes the stool so hard that it is difficult to be passed out whereas diarrhea is the condition that leads to too much loosening of the stool giving it a liquid base. Factors such as medication, food intolerance, diet, and some health conditions related to the gastrointestinal tract trigger diarrhea and constipation. The conditions occur when there is an increase and decrease in the contraction of the intestinal muscles.
Fecal incontinence is another issue where the muscle is not able to allow or hold the bowel movement.
Treatment for common bowel movement issues

Releasing gas and passing out the bowel should be easy. If there is difficulty in farting and bowel movement, you would like to take into consideration the below-mentioned points for improvement:
- Including lots of fiber-rich foods in your diet: eating fiber is very important as it adds bulk to the stool which helps in easy movement of the stool. However, gradually increase the fiber content in your meal along with lots of because otherwise, it may result in constipation.
- Triggering foods: Identify and cut out food items that irritate your guts and cause bowel movement issues.
- Stay hydrated: drink more water and stay hydrated as it facilitates easy digestion of the fibers and softens the stool for easy movement out of the passage.
- Modify the bathroom posture: change the angle of the colon by changing the sitting position. It is seen that having the toilet footstool modifies the sitting positing during pooping which facilitates easy and comfortable movement of the bowel.
- Do daily exercise: keep your body active by doing daily physical exercise. Exercises help in the smooth and faster movement of stool through the intestine. Moderate and regular physical activities help in digestion and bowel movement.
Result of unattended bowel movement issues
There can be several complications if you leave bowel movement issues unattended. Some of the results of constipation and diarrhea where bowel movement is difficult are:
- It causes hemorrhoids which are marked by inflamed and swollen veins in the rectum.
- Causes anal fissure which is marked by tears in the inner lining of the anus as the hard stool tries to pass through forcefully.
- Causes fecal impaction which is the storage of too much stool in your anus and rectum
- Weakening of the pelvic floor muscle by giving strain in order to pass the bowel. This may lead to an additional condition known as stress urinary incontinence where due to the weakening of the pelvic food muscle which also controls the bladder, straining tends to leak urine from the bladder.
- Diarrhea causes dehydration where one may need to resort to saline if needed to replenish the lost fluid.
Generally, bowel movement issues get sorted when you follow a healthy lifestyle but if the symptoms are more frequent and last more than 5 days, refer to a doctor for medical support. Addressing the common bowel movement issues on time can reduce the complications that can happen due to underlying diseases. Problems in bowel movement can be an uncomfortable and painful experience. Bowel movement normally depends on the age, diet, and regular physical activities of a person. Persistent constipation leads to piles, inflammation, and tears in the anal passage. Several medical diagnostic tests such as blood and urine tests, imaging tests, colonoscopy, colorectal transit studies, and other bowel function tests are conducted to find the cause of the bowel movement issue.
If you are suffering from such bowel movement issues and searching for a solution, visit Sova Health, an online store that acts as a one-stop solution for your gut-related issues. Explore the wide range of probiotic supplements which will give relief from your bowel movement issues. Get free consultation from our healthcare professionals and have our products delivered to your doorsteps. Also, check out our blogs on different health concerns and learn more about your health issues.