10 Gut Healthy Foods That Are Easy To Incorporate Into Your Meals

immunity boosters

Gut healthy foods are essential for maintaining a balanced digestive system and supporting overall well-being. Rich in fiber, probiotics, and prebiotics, these foods promote the growth of beneficial gut bacteria, aid digestion, and boost immune function. Incorporating gut-friendly options can enhance digestion, nutrient absorption, and long-term health. Here’s a list of 10 food items that are good for your gut.


Garlic is a prebiotic food that feeds the good bacteria in your gut. Inulin, a type of fiber, feeds the good bacteria and helps them grow. There is also some indication of garlic's natural antibacterial and antifungal properties, which may help keep a good balance of gut bacteria.

How to Include in meals

Build your dishes on a bed of garlic. Add the minced flavor to sauces, marinades, and even roasted vegetables-for an added effect in not just flavor, but also gut health, try it in salad dressings and dips.


Oats contain a type of fiber known as soluble fiber, which is important for gut health. Fiber in oats feeds the good bacteria in your gut and enables them to grow and survive, thus helping in the overall digestion process. Oats may also regulate bowel movements and reduce inflammation in the gut.

How to Include in meals

A bowl of perfectly cooked oatmeal starts the day going, especially when it's topped with fresh fruits, nuts, and seeds. Oats can be used in the making of baked food, in smoothies, and as a thickener in soups or stews.

Know more about a diet for digestive health


Like garlic, onions are an excellent source of inulin. Onions are, therefore, another very valuable prebiotic food to improve gut health. The inclusion of onions in the diet can facilitate a healthy gut through the feeding of the good bacteria while keeping the microbiome in check.

How to Include in meals

It will enhance salads, sandwiches, soups, and stews. Putting caramelized onions on top of pizzas and burgers, in pasta, and many more elevates the flavors while improving gut health.


asparagus vegetable

Asparagus is a vegetable that is low in calories but high in inulin. Because of this fact, it is one of the best gut healthy foods to consume. It's a prebiotic foodstuff that feeds the good bacteria within your digestive system and helps encourage an appropriate balance in gut microbiota.

How to Include in meals:

Roast, grill, or steam asparagus and serve it as a vegetable. You can also add it into salads, pasta dishes, or stir-fries for an added kick of fiber and gut health.


Apples are yet another fiber-rich fruit source for gut health. They contain pectin, or an element of soluble fiber, acting as a prebiotic. Pectin feeds the good bacteria in your gut, possibly improving your digestion and gut functions in general.

How to Include in meals:

Apples can be eaten out of hand, tossed in salads, or even baked with cinnamon into a healthy dessert. Slice up an apple and add it to your oatmeal or yogurt for a gut-friendly breakfast.

Also Read: Top 10 Good Digestive Foods to Support Gut Health


pineapple fruit

Pineapple is not just a delicious tropical fruit, it’s also recognized as a food to improve gut health. One of its key components is bromelain, an enzyme that helps break down proteins into smaller peptides and amino acids. This enzymatic action can aid in improving digestion and reducing bloating, making pineapple an excellent addition to your diet for maintaining a healthy gut. Additionally, pineapple is rich in dietary fiber, which promotes regular bowel movements and helps prevent constipation. Its high vitamin C content also supports a robust immune system, which can indirectly benefit gut health by maintaining overall bodily function and reducing inflammation.

How to Include in meals:

Incorporating pineapple into your diet can be as simple as adding it to smoothies, salads, or enjoying it fresh, ensuring you reap its digestive and health benefits.

Bone Broth

Bone broth is renowned for its gut-healing properties, making it a valuable addition to any diet focused on digestive health. Rich in collagen, gelatin, and amino acids like glycine and proline, bone broth supports the integrity of the gut lining. This is crucial for preventing leaky gut syndrome, where undigested food particles and toxins enter the bloodstream. 

The gelatin in bone broth also aids in digestion by binding with water in the digestive tract, which can help soothe and repair the gut lining. Moreover, bone broth contains minerals like calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus that are essential for maintaining healthy gut function. 

How to Include in meals:

Sipping on bone broth regularly can contribute to improved gut health, reduced inflammation, and overall better digestion, making it a comforting and nutritious choice.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar (ACV) has gained popularity as a natural remedy for various health issues, including digestive health. ACV contains acetic acid, which can increase stomach acid production, aiding in the digestion of proteins and improving nutrient absorption. This can help alleviate symptoms of acid reflux and bloating. 

Additionally, the fermentation process used to make ACV introduces beneficial probiotics that support a healthy gut microbiome. These probiotics can enhance gut flora balance, promoting better digestion and immune function. Incorporating ACV into your routine can be as simple as adding a tablespoon to a glass of water or using it as a tangy ingredient in salad dressings. 

Its potential to improve digestion and support a balanced gut microbiome makes apple cider vinegar a valuable ally in gut health.

How to include in meals:

Mix a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar with water as a morning tonic or use it in salad dressings.

Dandelion Greens

Dandelion greens are often overlooked, but they pack a punch when it comes to gut health. These leafy greens are rich in dietary fiber, which supports healthy digestion by promoting regular bowel movements and preventing constipation. They are also a source of prebiotics, which are compounds that feed beneficial gut bacteria, helping to maintain a balanced microbiome. 

Dandelion greens contain antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds that can soothe and protect the gut lining from damage and inflammation. Additionally, their diuretic properties can assist in reducing water retention and bloating. Incorporating dandelion greens into your diet can be done through salads, smoothies, or sautéed as a side dish, providing both digestive benefits and a nutritious boost to your meals.

How to include in meals:

Incorporate dandelion greens into salads, smoothies, or sauté them as a nutritious side dish.


turmeric powder

Turmeric, often recognized for its vibrant yellow color and use in curries, is a powerhouse spice for gut health. The active compound in turmeric, curcumin, has potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. 

These properties help reduce inflammation in the digestive tract, which can be beneficial for conditions like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Curcumin also supports the healing of the gut lining, promoting overall digestive health. Furthermore, turmeric can aid in balancing the gut microbiome by fostering a healthy environment for beneficial bacteria. To reap the full benefits of turmeric, it’s best to consume it with a source of fat, as curcumin is fat-soluble, and black pepper, which enhances its absorption. Adding turmeric to your diet through curries, teas, or supplements can support a healthier gut and overall well-being.

How to include in meals:

Sprinkle turmeric on dishes, blend it into smoothies, or use it to make golden milk for a daily gut-health boost.

Building a Gut-Healthy Diet

Along with these gut-friendly foods, one needs a well-rounded and diverse diet with plenty of whole foods. It is also about keeping off the packaged and processed foods, artificial sweeteners, and much sugar. That can do some serious damage to the good bacteria in the gut. Being well-hydrated and including regular exercise into your regimen is another way to go.

A holistic approach to diet and lifestyle can make all the difference when it comes to gut health. That is, it's not about specific foods but more how the overall diet for digestive health nurtures the gut microbiome. Experiment with recipes and combinations that will make variety and fun a part of each gut-friendly meal.


These will easily and efficiently ensure that the gut is healthy and there is a good balance of bacteria in the gut, with the addition of these gut-healthy foods into one's diet. Probiotic foods, such as yogurt and kefir, contain friendly bacteria, while high-fiber foods, such as oats and apples, can feed the bacteria that reside in your gut. These are just some gut-friendly foods that will help boost your gut health and work wonders for the overall health of your body.

Learn more about gut health and ways you can improve your diet for digestive health by visiting our website sova.health. Sova empowers you with a healthy gut and balanced life through its suite of diagnostic and wellness solutions. See how our services can help you find more powerful gut health.