10 healthy eating habits that you should follow in your daily routine

healthy eating habits

A healthy diet can be ideally maintained if there is the right amount of calories in the body. The energy that is being used up should be equal to the calorie intake so that there is a balance in the body. One should be aware of the amount of food they are consuming. Too much food intake can lead to obesity and less intake can lead to weight loss accompanied by other health issues as the body lacks the required nutrients. Following a balanced diet is the best daily routine for a healthy life.

In order to provide the body with the required nutrients, one should always try to maintain a balanced diet by eating all kinds of fruits and vegetables. Bringing healthy eating habits into one’s routine not only improves overall health but also improves the sleep cycle and stress levels.

Below are the 10 healthy habits that you should follow in your daily routine: 

Include more fruits and vegetables in your diet


Fruits and vegetables play a very important role in our gut health. A lack of fruits in our body can increase the possibility of heart disease, stroke, and cancer. Add a fruit to your midday snack instead of munching on some fried snacks. This will give the required energy and nutrients and also will keep one full for a long time. 

Vegetables are low in calories and rich in fiber which enhances gut health and resists the development of cancer. Adding a significant amount of different vegetables to your diet can make the meal wholesome and healthy. 

Find ways to have a balanced diet meal by adding vitamins, minerals, and proteins to your plate through fruits, vegetables, whole grains, healthy fats, and lean proteins. 

Also Read: 3 foods to eat more and 3 foods to ditch to promote a healthy gut microbiome.

Limit the consumption of extra sugar and fat

Fat is important for our body functioning but the quality and the quantity of the fat that we are consuming should be the concern. Excess amounts of saturated fat increase heart disease as it brings a spike in the cholesterol level in the blood. Saturated fat is found in food items such as cake, pie, biscuits, cream, hard cheese, sausage, etc.

Unsaturated fats such as vegetable oil, oily fish, spreads, and avocados should be replaced with saturated fat to get the best result. 

Sugary foods and drinks can lead to obesity, tooth decay, and other health issues. Sugar releases high energy and can lead to weight gain if consumed in high amounts. Free sugars which are found in honey, other unsweetened fruit juices, packaged food, and drinks should be avoided and the natural sweetness found in milk and fruits should be preferred. 

Limit the consumption of excess salt

Excess raw salt in your bloodstream can lead to stroke and heart attack as salt increases blood pressure. The presence of salt is already in packaged food when we buy it such as cereals, sauce, bread, soups, etc. thus, unknowingly we are consuming more salt than our body needs which may lead to health complications. 

Avoid consuming diet Coke and fried foods

Diet Coke, diet drinks, and fried foods are not healthy food options. Diet drinks alone or when mixed with alcoholic drinks are associated with developing cardiovascular diseases, mental conditions,  accelerated cell aging, developmental delay of a child's nerve, deterioration of retinopathy in diabetic people, developmental kidney disease, several myelomas in men, and many other health conditions.

Eating too much fried food has shown deterioration in mental health conditions which include high risk of anxiety and depression as well as cardiovascular diseases. Avoiding such unhealthy intakes while following the best daily routine for a healthy life can help make a huge difference.

Don't skip breakfast

It is a myth that avoiding breakfast aids in losing weight in fact Breakfast forms the most important meal of the day but we often fail to understand it. A healthy breakfast is a very important part of your balanced diet when it contains lots of fiber and limited salt, sugar, and fat. 

Add fish to your diet

Oily fish like salmon, herring, trout, sardines, etc are a great source of DHA omega 3 fatty acids, vitamin B12 selenium, and other minerals required for our health. Including fish regularly in your diet can reduce the possibility of cardiovascular disease. Avoid having canned and smoked fish as they contain excess salt. 

Also Read: 10 Surprising Benefits of Probiotics for Overall Well-being

Eat meals made of high fiber starchy carbohydrate

Starchy carbohydrates such as potatoes, bread, pasta, rice, and cereals make up the maximum of the meal that we consume. Include fibers with high starch carbohydrates such as brown rice, whole wheat pasta, brown potato, etc. Food with a higher amount of starchy carbohydrates is healthier than polished carbohydrates and keeps one full for a longer period of time. 

Drink milk regularly

a girl child drinking milk

Milk is rich in 13 major kinds of minerals, calcium, magnesium, and protein which helps in developing bones. Adults should include at least a glass of milk in their diet. In case, milk does not suit your guts, try lactose-free or A2 milk. 

Include a variety of food in your diet

Try avoiding eating the same food on repetition. Add different types of vegetables, spices, and herbs to your meal. This will help in meeting the imbalance in your diet and also resist the development of metabolic syndrome. Colorful vegetables have different kinds of nutrients that are needed by the body. 

Eat fermented food

Fermented foods such as kombucha, kimchi, and yogurt serve are probiotics that help in keeping the guts healthy. Other than being savory on the taste buds, they also recharge the body with natural probiotics in our guts.  This type of food also helps in losing and maintaining weight. 

Read also: signs of an unhealthy gut and how probiotics can help


Unhealthy eating habits are very convenient to develop in today’s fast-paced world. There are so many options for making a wrong decision about what to eat, where to eat, and how much to eat. Adopting the 10 healthy eating habits recommended here can, however, bring about noticeable change in your health and body. Get familiar with small eating habits first before jumping to a big change in eating habits. Small changes such as limiting sugar and salt intake, and avoiding alcohol, diet coke, or fried food can bring a huge impact on your daily routine. One needs to be consistent in following the changes as habits come gradually from adopting these changes. 

For your healthy eating habits, you can visit Sova Health, we have a wide variety of probiotic supplements that help you with different health-related concerns such as weight loss, improvement of gut health , bowel movement, etc. You can find several blogs on our website that are targeted at the well-being of our clients.