Why the key to stronger hair may be found in your gut

Girl flaunting her strong hair

Are you tired of trying every expensive hair product under the sun and still experiencing hair loss? It's time to look beyond your hair care routine and delve into your gut health. That's right – your gut health could be the key to achieving stronger hair while also naturally improving overall hair health.

Let's take a closer look at the science behind it all. Our gut is home to billions of bacteria, viruses, and fungi that make up our gut microbiome. This microbiome plays a vital role in keeping our immune and digestive systems in check. However, an unbalanced gut flora can lead to a range of health issues, including hair loss. Studies have shown that an imbalance of gut bacteria can lead to inflammation, which can harm hair follicles and cause hair loss.

How to improve your gut health and lessen hair loss?

Check your plate 

First and foremost, it's essential to consume a well-balanced diet full of fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins are rich in antioxidants, prebiotics, fiber, and other elements that promote gut health. On the other hand, processed meals, sweetened beverages, and alcohol can upset the balance of your gut flora and cause inflammation. So, limit your intake of these foods and opt for healthier alternatives instead.

Up the dose of H2O 

Another crucial factor in maintaining gut health is staying hydrated. Drinking enough water helps remove toxins from the body, promotes healthy digestion, and prevents constipation, which can cause gut inflammation. If you're physically active or live in a hot climate, aim to drink more than eight glasses of water each day.

Gulp some good bacteria 

Probiotics are also beneficial to your digestive system. These live bacteria and yeasts can help re-establish the balance of your gut microbiota and reduce intestinal inflammation. You can find probiotics in foods such as yogurt, kefir, and kimchi, or take supplements with a high number of colony-forming units and a range of helpful bacteria.

Don’t sweat the small stuff! 

Finally, stress management is crucial for promoting gut health. Techniques such as deep breathing, yoga, and meditation can help lower stress levels and promote relaxation. Regular exercise is also an excellent way to reduce stress and promote gut health.

In summary, maintaining a healthy gut, including healthy hair, is essential for maintaining a healthy body. By making small lifestyle adjustments to boost your gut health, you can reduce hair loss and grow stronger, healthier hair. So, the next time you're concerned about your hair, don't forget to keep your gut's health in check 

Natural ways to stop hair loss

a women suffering from hair loss

There are many causes for hair loss, be it aging, stress, or hormonal changes, but there are always several natural solutions to it.  Some of the natural ways to stop hair loss are: 

  • Diet: follow a diet with extra protein, herbs, and vegetables to improve hair health. Meals with an extremely low-calorie diet can create a deficit in the body for important vitamins, minerals and proteins which do not lead to permanent weight loss, in fact, it leads to hair loss through temporary weight loss from a low-calorie diet. 
  • Massaging the scalp: regularly massaging the scalp for some minutes can facilitate hair growth. 
  • Using coconut oil: massaging the hair with coconut oil repairs the hair that get damaged by grooming habits or ultraviolet rays. It also prevents hair loss by strengthening the hair follicles. 
  • Protecting hair while sleeping: the hair is exposed to breakage when sleeping due to tangling, friction, or tugging. Also sleeping with wet hair can lead to breakage as the hair is in the most delicate and vulnerable state when wet. Use a satin or silk pillowcase while sleeping to avoid breakage of hair. 

How do probiotics support hair growth?

Probiotics are known to improve digestive issues but do you know it also improves hair health

Probiotics are good bacteria that live in our guts which provides various health benefits when consumed. Probiotics and hair growth are interrelated.  Probiotics help in hair growth and manage hair breakage by strengthening the hair follicles. The stronger the hair follicles, the lesser the hair loss and damage. Probiotics s have certain properties because of which they help in hair growth. Such properties are:

  • Improving the immunity of the body: probiotics help in improving the overall immunity of the body. Immunity in return promotes hair growth and resists the hair follicles from further damage and loss. 
  • Absorption of nutrients: probiotics promote the absorption of nutrients in the body. Nutrients such as essential minerals and vitamins are required for healthy hair growth. 
  • Decreases inflammation: hair loss can happen due to inflammation of the scalp which obstructs the healthy growth of hair. The anti-inflammatory property of probiotics supports calming the scalp, manages inflammation, and facilitates hair growth. 
  • Balancing the health of the scalp: hair growth requires a healthy scalp to grow on. The scalp can shelter harmful bacteria which helps in the growth of dandruff or make the scalp oily, thus making the scalp unhealthy which prevents hair growth. Probiotics support hair growth by promoting the growth of healthy bacteria and maintaining the natural balance of the scalp. 

The advantages of probiotics and hair growth, as a result, can also be witnessed in the issue of hair thinning because of age. Probiotics enhance overall health of the hair and promote the development of stronger and thicker hair. 

Ways to use probiotics for healthy hair 

Include probiotics in your daily routine to witness the change in your hair growth as well as overall hair conditions. you can use probiotics in the following ways:

  • Hair products that contain probiotics: some conditioners, shampoos, serums, and other hair products have probiotics in their composition which helps in maintaining stronger hair follicles and a healthy scalp. 
  • A diet rich in probiotics: include foods like fermented vegetables, yogurt, kimchi, etc in your meal because these foods are naturally rich in probiotics and improve the overall health of the hair as well as the guts. 
  • Probiotic supplements: there are many probiotic supplements in the market which support skin and hair health. These kinds of supplements are generally recommended for such people who do not take diets rich in probiotics or any any specific skin and health concern. Nevertheless, probiotic supplements help in the wellness of the overall health. 


Probiotics when consumed as a supplement or included in diet, improve health of the hair in a significant way. It is also beneficial if one includes probiotics through hair care products. Although in case of severe hair loss or scalp issues, it is recommended to consult a doctor. The potential options available for hair growth may differ from person to person, depending on the cause of hair loss. 

At Sova Health, we aim toward making your gut healthy which in return promotes hair nourishment. There is a wide range of probiotic supplements available for the concern of hair loss as well as informative blogs to educate people who are searching for answers. We understand the importance of nourished hair which is why our dedicated team of experts and professionals are equipped to bring solution to your problem.